Saturday, December 28, 2019
Biography of Diane Nash, Civil Rights Leader
Diane Judith Nash (born May 15, 1938) was a key figure in the US Civil Rights Movement. She fought to secure voting rights for African Americans as well as to desegregate lunch counters and interstate travel during the freedom rides. Fast Facts: Diane Nash Known For: Civil rights activist who cofounded the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)Born: May 15, 1938 in Chicago, IllinoisParents: Leon and Dorothy Bolton NashEducation: Hyde Park High School, Howard University, Fisk UniversityKey Accomplishments: Freedom rides coordinator, voting rights organizer, fair housing and nonviolence advocate, and winner of the Southern Christian Leadership Conferences’ Rosa Parks AwardSpouse: James BevelChildren: Sherrilynn Bevel and Douglass BevelFamous Quote: â€Å"We presented Southern white racists with a new set of options. Kill us or desegregate.†Early Years Diane Nash was born in Chicago to Leon and Dorothy Bolton Nash during a time when Jim Crow, or racial segregation, was legal in the U.S. In the South and in other parts of the country, blacks and whites lived in different neighborhoods, attended different schools, and sat in different sections of buses, trains, and movie theaters. But Nash was taught not to view herself as less than. Her grandmother, Carrie Bolton, particularly gave her a sense of self-worth. As Nash’s son, Douglass Bevel, recalled in 2017: â€Å"My great-grandmother was a woman of great patience and generosity. She loved my mother and told her no one was better than her and made her understand she was a valuable person. There’s no substitute for unconditional love, and my mother is just really a strong testament to what people who have it are capable of.†Bolton often took care of her when she was a small child because both of Nash’s parents worked. Her father served in World War II and her mother worked as a keypunch operator during wartime. When the war ended, her parents divorced, but her mother remarried to John Baker, a waiter for the Pullman railroad company. He belonged to the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, the most influential union for African-Americans. The union gave workers higher pay and more benefits than employees without such representation. Her stepfather’s job afforded Nash an excellent education. She attended Catholic and public schools, graduating from Hyde Park High School on Chicago’s south side. She then headed to Howard University in Washington, D.C., and, from there, to Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee, in 1959. In Nashville, Diane Nash saw Jim Crow up close. â€Å"I started feeling very confined and really resented it,†Nash said. â€Å"Every time I obeyed a segregation rule, I felt like I was somehow agreeing I was too inferior to go through the front door or to use the facility that the ordinary public would use.† The system of racial segregation inspired her to become an activist, and she oversaw nonviolent protests on the Fisk campus. Her family had to adjust to her activism, but they ultimately supported her efforts. A Movement Built on Nonviolence As a Fisk student, Nash embraced the philosophy of nonviolence, associated with Mahatma Gandhi and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. She took classes on the subject run by James Lawson, who’d gone to India to study Gandhi’s methods. Her nonviolence training helped her lead Nashville’s lunch counter sit-ins over a three-month period in 1960. The students involved went to â€Å"whites only†lunch counters and waited to be served. Rather than walking away when they were denied service, these activists would ask to speak with managers and were often arrested while doing so.  Four students, including Diane Nash, had a sit-in victory when the Post House Restaurant served them on March 17, 1960. The sit-ins took place in nearly 70 US cities, and roughly 200 students who took part in the protests traveled to Raleigh, N.C., for an organizing meeting in April 1960. Rather than function as an offshoot of Martin Luther King’s group, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the young activists formed the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. As a SNCC co-founder, Nash left school to oversee the organization’s campaigns. Sit-ins continued through the following year, and on February 6, 1961, Nash and three other SNCC leaders went to jail after supporting the â€Å"Rock Hill Nine†or â€Å"Friendship Nine,†nine students incarcerated after a lunch counter sit-in in Rock Hill, South Carolina. The students would not pay bail after their arrests because they believed paying fines supported the immoral practice of segregation. The unofficial motto of student activists was â€Å"jail, not bail.†While whites-only lunch counters were a big focus of SNCC, the group also wanted to end segregation on interstate travel. Black and white civil rights activists had protested Jim Crow on interstate buses by traveling together; they were known as the freedom riders. But after a white mob in Birmingham, Ala., firebombed a freedom bus and beat the activists on board, organizers called off future rides. Nash insisted they continue. â€Å"The students have decided that we can’t let violence overcome,†she told civil rights leader the Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth. â€Å"We are coming into Birmingham to continue the freedom ride.† A group of students returned to Birmingham to do just that. Nash began to arrange freedom rides from Birmingham to Jackson, Mississippi, and organize activists to take part in them. Later that year, Nash protested a grocery store that would not employ African Americans. As she and others stood on the picket line, a group of white boys started throwing eggs and punching some of the protesters. The police arrested both the white attackers and the black demonstrators, including Nash. As she had in the past, Nash refused to pay bail, so she remained behind bars as the others went free. Marriage and Activism The year 1961 stood out for Nash not only because of her role in various movement causes but also because she got married. Her husband, James Bevel, was a civil rights activist, too. Marriage didn’t slow down her activism. In fact, while she was pregnant in 1962, Nash had to contend with the possibility of serving out a two-year prison sentence for giving civil rights training to local youth. In the end, Nash served just 10 days in jail, sparing her from the possibility of giving birth to her first child, Sherrilynn, while incarcerated. But Nash was prepared to do so in hopes that her activism could make the world a better place for her child and other children. Nash and Bevel went on to have son Douglass. Diane Nash’s activism attracted the attention of President John F. Kennedy, who selected her to serve on a committee to develop a national civil rights platform, which later became the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The next year, Nash and Bevel planned marches from Selma to Montgomery to support voting rights for African Americans in Alabama. When the peaceful protesters tried to cross the Edmund Pettus Bridge to head to Montgomery, police severely beat them. Stunned by images of law enforcement agents brutalizing the marchers, Congress passed the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Nash and Bevel’s efforts to secure voting rights for black Alabamians resulted in the Southern Christian Leadership Conference awarding them the Rosa Parks Award. The couple would divorce in 1968. Legacy and Later Years After the Civil Rights Movement, Nash returned to her hometown of Chicago, where she still lives today. She worked in real estate and has participated in activism related to fair housing and pacifism alike. With the exception of Rosa Parks, male civil rights leaders have typically received most of the credit for the freedom struggles of the 1950s and ’60s. In the decades since, however, more attention has been paid to women leaders like Ella Baker, Fannie Lou Hamer, and Diane Nash. In 2003, Nash won the Distinguished American Award from the John F. Kennedy Library and Foundation. The following year, she received the LBJ Award for Leadership in Civil Rights from the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum. And in 2008, she won the Freedom Award from the National Civil Rights Museum. Both Fisk University and the University of Notre Dame have awarded her honorary degrees. Nash’s contributions to civil rights have also been captured in film. She appears in the documentaries â€Å"Eyes on the Prize†and the â€Å"Freedom Riders,†and in the 2014 civil rights biopic â€Å"Selma†, in which she’s portrayed by actress Tessa Thompson. She is also the focus of historian David Halberstams book â€Å"Diane Nash: The Fire of the Civil Rights Movement.â€
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Business Case Study Lowe s Company - 1698 Words
Business Case Study The company that I have chosen for this assignment and project is Lowe s Companies, Inc. Lowes strongly focuses on the mission statement â€Å"helping the customers to improve their homes†. The company started in 1921 as a small store in North Carolina. Great success and high demand of Lowe’s products led to an increase in the number of stores. By 1955, there were five more functional stores. Rapid growth took place around 1960s. Carl Buchan was one of the founders of Lowe’s, who died in year 1960. Exactly a year later in 1961, the company went public. This was the time when Lowe’s was given its name. Initially it was called North Wilkesboro Hardware Company. By 1979, Lowe’s established more than 50 stores in the United†¦show more content†¦Lowe’s has a robust vision and branding. In 2011, Lowe’s completely changed its branding by adding the new slogan â€Å"Never Stop Improving†. It is more than just a tag line. It is a branding strategy to attract more customers and offer them products at low prices. The slogan clearly explains that customers are in the right hands when they shop at Lowe’s and they have everything available they need in order to build their houses – from planning to execution. Lowe’s serve DIY customers and also provides installation services and other services such as electricians, painters, plumbers and landscapers. Average Lowe’s has two kinds of stores, a 117,000 square-foot and the other one is a 94,000 square –foot. This remodeling of the stores layout was done in 1980s, after the arrival and success of the biggest rival â€Å"Home Depot†. A typical Lowe’s store carries approximately 40,000 items. These items include other brands too such as allen + roth, Kobalt and Utilitech. Lowe’s product line includes products for home decoration, house maintenance, repairing, remodeling redesigning, and constructing a new house or office. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Hucks Struggle Between Morals Essay Example For Students
Hucks Struggle Between Morals Essay Hucks Struggle Between MoralsIn the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, theprotagonist, Huck, undergoes a series of developmental changes in his character. He is often torn between the ideas of society and those of his friends. Thiscan all be very confusing for a boy who is about 14 years old. Huck also has adrunken pap who doesnt care at all for him. Huck is then forced to live withWidow Douglas and Miss Watson. Throughout the story we see Huck represent themorals of the innocent prevailing over those of society. In his adventures,he learns the meaning of true friendship and whats really important in life. In the story, Huck makes the decision to escape from his family. This isa decision that goes against the morals of Hucks society, church and state. Children arent supposed to run away from their parents. Also, his decision tohelp Jim escape goes against the same morals. In his adventurous escape downthe Mississippi, he begins to feel truly free. This is a feeling that iscontrasted acutely of societys oppression of freedom, basically when he is onland. In Jims and Hucks escape, they are able to build their trust andfriendship for each other. However, at the same time he must leave behindsocieties ways getting sivilized, money, and family.Along Jims and Hucks adventure, they have many conversations along theway. These conversations consist about their freedom, money, and superstition. In the story, they both have their own opinions about various things, likeSolomon. Well, but he was the wisest man, anyway; because the widow she toldme so, her own self.I doan kyer what de widder say, he warnt no wise man nuther. Hehas some er de dad-fetchedes ways I ever see. Does you know bout datchiledat he uz gwyne to chop in two?Yes, the widow told me all about it.Well, den! Warn dat de beatenes notion in de worl? You jus takeen look at it a minute. Dahs de stump, dah-dats one er de women! heahsyou-dats de yuther one; Is Sollermun; en dish yer dollar billsde chile. Bofe un you claims it. What does I do? Does I shinaroun mongs de neighbors en fine out which un you de bill do blong to, enhan it over to de right one, all safe en soun, de way dat anybodydat had any gumption would? No; I take en whack de bill in two, engive half it to you, en de yuther to de yuther women. Dats de waySollermum was gwyne to do wid de chile. Now I want to ast you; whats de use erdat half a billl?-cant buy nothn wid it. En what use is a half a chile? Iwouldn give a dern for a million un um.'As you can see from this dialogue between them, they had a distinctcontrast in thinking. Huckleberry, being the young and innocent boy, believesand conforms to the ideas of Miss Watson and others of the dominant whitesociety. Huck would believe just about anything that comes out of a whitepersons mouth, and argue it against the words of a nigger. Jim on the otherhand was much older and a lot smarter, for he could think for himself. Jimknows better than to go with the ideas and beliefs of society, which are wrong. Such a conversation leads to a very strong point made by Twain in its own irony;the story shows of how the white people are dominant over the blacks, but yetthey couldnt think for themselves. Whereas, on the other hand, the oppressed niggers are thinking things through using logic, instead of simply conformingto what others think. Jim later goes on to talk about superstition, whichtotally goes against the society in which Huck was raised. God was thealmighty and made everything and controlled everything; thats what Huck wasraised to believe. However, on the other hand, Jim was able to not correspondto the ways of the church, but made his own beliefs. Jim even had ideas aboutsigns and stuff. Diabetes EssaySuch a conversation leads to a very strong point made by Twain in its own irony;the story shows of how the white people are dominant over the blacks, but yetthey couldnt think for themselves. Whereas, on the other hand, the oppressed niggers are thinking things through using logic, instead of simply conformingto what others think. Jim later goes on to talk about superstition, whichtotally goes against the society in which Huck was raised. God was thealmighty and made everything and controlled everything; thats what Huck wasraised to believe. However, on the other hand, Jim was able to not correspondto the ways of the church, but made his own beliefs. Jim even had ideas aboutsigns and stuff. Ef you got hairy arms en a hairy breas, its a sign dat yousa-gwyne to be rich. Well, deys some use in a sign like dat,kase its so fur ahead. You see, maybe yous go to be po along time fust,en so you might git discourage en kill yosef fyou didnt know by de sign dat you gwyne to be rich bymeby.Have you got hiary arms and a hairy breast, Jim?Whats de use to ax dat question? Dont you see I has?Well, are you rich?No, but I ben rich wunst, and gwyne to be rich agin. Wunst I hadfoteen dollars, but I tuck to specalatn, en got busted out.Huck was more easily convinced about Jims story this time, because therewere no white signs like it. He had no argument from his society that saidotherwise, so he believed Jim. This conversation shows the vulnerability of ayouth with innocence. Such a youth takes on the beliefs of others and defendsthem as his own. Furthermore, if there had been an even more ridiculous storyacquired from the words of a white man, Huck would in no way have believed Jim. Such actions of a whiteboy shows the assumptive and gullible attitudes of avery conforming society. In conclusion, Hucks adventure was filled with many decisions, decisionswhich were very revealing to the reader of the attitudes of the time. He showedus many good decisions against the morals of society, such as escaping from hispappy, escaping the ideas of society to start new ones of his own, and to leavethe worries of money behind him. However, at the same time, he makes baddecisions against his society. Huck had left his family and avoided getting sivilized. In his quest for true freedom, Huck was able to grow considerablyand mature, yet, he was still not mature enough to formulate ideas of his own. Nonetheless, no matter how Hucks ideas and morals change, he will always remaina true friend to Jim. Adventurous or not, this book was great in showing thatthe whites werent always right and blacks could also be great in many respects.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Most people know that good nutrition is important Essay Example For Students
Most people know that good nutrition is important Essay for good health. Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) are the daily amounts of essential nutrients that will preventdeficiencies in most healthy people. But not many people realize the importance a healthydiet can have on their health for years to come. To help us stay healthy a person shouldeat a variety of foods, maintain ideal weight, avoid too much fat, and eat foods withenough starch and fiber. A good diet helps children grow, develop, and do well in school. It also helps young and older adults to work productively and feel their best. A healthydiet can also lessen the risk factors for obesity and high blood pressure. For our benefit,the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department ofAgriculture has issued Dietary Guidelines. These guidelines are designed to helpAmericans choose the recommended number of daily servings from each of the fivedifferent food groups; Bread, Meat, Vegetable, Fruit, and Dairy. The Nutrition FactsLabel is made to help you buy foo ds that will meet the Dietary Guidelines. Mostprocessed foods now carry nutrition information. People need energy and essential nutrients. These nutrients are essential because thebody cannot make them and has to get them from food. Energy needs vary by age. Adultsneed less food than younger and more active individuals. People who are less active or aretrying to lose weight will eat less food and have problems meeting their nutrient needs. Almost all Americans need to be more active, because an inactive lifestyle is unhealthy. Inorder to stay at the same body weight, people need to balance the amount of energy infood with the amount of energy the body uses. People need to put more energy into dailyactivities. The pattern of eating is also important. Snacks provide a large amount ofcalories for many Americans. Unless nutritious snacks are part of the daily diet, snackingwill cause weight gain. Also binge eating and fasting will add to weight problems. Maintaining weight in older peop le is important because they usually lose weight as they 3age. Some of that weight is muscle. People need to exercise regularly to maintain muscle,to feel better and to reduce the risk of falls and broken bones. The quality and variety of food in the United States allow almost everyone to have anutritious diet. Nutrients are divided into five major groups; proteins, carbohydrates, fats,vitamins and minerals. Each of these food components have a special function in the body,and all of them together are needed for overall health. The body uses energy to functionand keep itself at a constant temperature. Scientists have been able to find out that thebody gets its fuel from carbohydrates, fats, and protein. CarbohydratesCarbohydrates are the most available foods in the world. Carbohydrates in foods, likewhole grain breads and cereals, provide calories and nutrients and also increase dietaryfiber. Dietary fiber, like lettuce, if eaten daily, can decrease the risk of colon cancer. Ifthere isnt enough carbohydrates in the body during exercise, the body tires faster. Research has proven that a daily diet high in carbohydrates is helpful. Most sportsnutritionists recommend a meal high in carbohydrates 3 or 4 hours before an event. Carbohydrates provide most of the energy in almost all peoples diets. The best sourcesfor carbohydrates are grains, potatoes, vegetables, and fruits. FatsEveryone thinks that fat in the diet is bad, but really the body needs it. Fat providesenergy by giving calories to the body. They are the most concentrated source of energy inthe diet. People need to watch how much fat they eat, not do without it entirely. Becausefat sources have little water in them, they take up less room, so we eat more fat withoutgetting full. So thats why it is easy to get fat on a high-fat diet. Obesity increases the riskfor high blood pressure and eventually for stroke. It is also associated with heart disease. There is evidence that certain kinds of cancer like colon, lung, and bladder cancer run in 4people who have high-fat diets. It is also known that breast and uterine cancer are morecommon in obese women. Best sources of fat are margarine, vegetable/plant oils, nuts,meats, cheese, and cream. ProteinThe main purpose of protein in the body is to build and repair tissues. Most of thebodys protein is located in the muscle tissue. Every cell in the body is partly made ofproteins. As a child grows, his muscles are built from proteins. A person with burns oropen sores need protein to heal these wounds. Also, if carbohydrates, starches, or fats areunavailable, protein can be used to supply energy. Everyone needs some proteineveryday. How much is needed depends on body size, rate of growth, and each personshealing requirements. The best sources of protein are eggs, milk, fish, meat, poultry, andnuts. Globalization and music Essay Because fat sources have little water in them, they take up less room, so we eat more fat without getting full. So thats why it is easy to get fat on a high-fat diet. Obesity increases the risk for high blood pressure and eventually for stroke. It is also associated with heart disease. There is evidence that certain kinds of cancer like colon, lung, and bladder cancer run in 4 people who have high-fat diets. It is also known that breast and uterine cancer are more common in obese women. Best sources of fat are margarine, vegetable/plant oils, nuts, meats, cheese, and cream. Protein The main purpose of protein in the body is to build and repair tissues. .
Thursday, November 28, 2019
ALIENATION Essays - Literary Realism, The Catcher In The Rye
ALIENATION In the book, Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger, Holden Caufield, the main character is a negatively charged person, doesn't want himself or others around him to grow up, and suffers from depression because of his brothers death. This is obviously Holden's way of alienating the entire world and delaying the consequences of facing reality. Alienation is a big theme in Catcher In The Rye, and something that Holden depends on most often. Holden Caufield is a negatively charged character as expressed on the first page of the book before Holden tells his opinion about his childhood. He says, If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like... (Pg. 1) Holden shows here that he was negative and depressed even in his childhood years which is mainly due to his brother, Allie's death. Holden's alienation toward the world is what causes these unwanted character traits of Holden's. Holden is also a hostile character who attributes his negativity to block out others around him, and to delay the fact that he indeed will have to face reality sometime. Holden's pattern of speech, the constant expression of negativity, is a character trait Holden possesses that shows the inner pain he feels. Holden truly shows that he does not want to grow up and he does not want other children to grow up either. Holden believes that all adults are phonies, like Principal Thurmer. Holden hates phonies and that's why he doesn't want children to grow up, do they won't become phonies. Holden's hatred towards adults is due to his brother's death. Holden probably somewhat blames his parents for not stopping his younger brother's death. Holden alienated phonies or adults because of this. Holden believes that he cannot depend on adults because they are phonies like Principal Thurmer. Holden's inability to accept growing up causes much depression for Holden and makes Holden suicidal. At what time, Holden does in fact feel suicidal. ...what I really felt like, though, was committing suicide. This shows that Holden has not really accepted the fact that everyone has to grow up sometime no matter how much u don't want to because no one can stay a child forever. Holden suffers from depression due to his brother, Allie's death. This is mainly because lack of closure of his brother's death. There is one moment when Holden expresses how he talks out loud to Allie, even though he is dead. What I did, I started talking out loud to Allie. I do that sometimes when I get very depressed. This portrays sadness to the point that Holden needs closure on his brother's death so bad that the lack of closure may even be leading to clinic depression or slight insanity on top of his being suicidal. Holden probably in some way blames himself for his brother's death due to not always letting Allie play with him when they were little. Holden feels like committing suicide at one time which shows the true depth of Holden's depression. Holden's deep depression comes from his alienation towards people in general, the way he refuses to let others deep in his heart and his inability to accept certain things such as his brother's death. Holden badly needs closure on his brother's death so he can rid himself of his deep depression and go on to inevitably grow up like the rest of the world. In conclusion, Holden is a negative character, had yet to realize that everyone has to grow up sometime, and suffers from possible clinic depression due to lack of closure on his brother's death. Holden's alienation towards the world is clearly what brings on this rejective personality of Holden's. Another aspect of Holden that drives this personality of his is his estrangement towards facing reality. This can most likely be compared to many people in the real world which is just one of the reasons why Catcher In The Rye, is such a wonderful book. Until people like Holden realize that growing up is an inevitable action in one's life and that facing reality is a must to survive life, then those people will be stuck in the world of untruth where no person can be successful and where destinies cannot be pursued until the realization that these are just stages in life that must be completed is met.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Street Car Named Desire essays
Street Car Named Desire essays Tennessee Williams gives insight into three ordinary lives in his play, A Streetcar Named Desire which is set in the mid-1930s in New Orleans. The main characters in the play are Blanche, Stanley, and Stella. All three of these characters suffer from personalities that differentiate each of them to great extremes. Because of these dramatic contrarieties in attitudes, there are mounting conflicts between the characters throughout the play. The principal conflict lies between Blanche and Stanley, due to their conflicting ideals of happiness and the way things ought to be. Williams begins by introducing us to the happy couple, Stanley and Stella Kowalski. The two live in a run-down part of New Orleans, but are content in their surroundings and their lifestyle. Stanley Kowalski is a Polish Immigrant who strongly believes in the role of a man in his own household. One may perceive him as being unrefined and rude, due to his blunt nature, but to himself and Stella, it is just his practical attitude towards life. Evident, through his interaction and dialogue with Stella and other characters, is his need to prove his masculinity by being dominant and imposing. In contrast, Stella is overly mild-tempered and always striving to please. Generally, she is able to adapt to all situations. This ability to adapt proves to be useful, as both her husband and her sister, Blanche, have such strong personalities. From the beginning, it is apparent that Stella often plays the peacemaker. She was able to foresee that Stanley and her visiting sister would clash. In hopes of avoiding any confrontation, she warned them both to be on their best behaviour. Stella is soft-spoken, speaking only when it is needed, and expressing her grief only when it overwhelms her, whereas Blanche is the opposite: an outspoken woman, with many opinions. Superficial is the first impression that Blanche gives when she enters the play. Consumed by appe...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
For the New Intellectual Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
For the New Intellectual - Essay Example He says that the conquering of the soul is already happening in the world today as man has been made to believe that altruism is the ideal human state. That way people are encouraged to suffer and personal progress stagnates collectively for the sake of others, that is; the will of all, subjugated to the will of all. According to him, by teaching men to unite, as they are currently being encouraged to do son in form of nation block and other groupings, mankind is being manipulated to morph into a single neck on which they can be collective manipulated and enslaved. He argues that collectivism is designed to subjugate the individual and elevate groups; he postulates that one man is held as evil while society is seen as God, thus through collectives, the soul of the individual are slaughtered and the rest follows meekly. The soul of and individualist is advanced in Roark’s defense before a court He disputes the popular assumption that selflessness and collective ideology is the most beneficial and progressive altitude by saying that it is only through individualism that great achievements and discoveries have been made in retrospect (Rand 71). He uses several analogies of men who made landmark discoveries in history, he speculates that; the man who discovered fire was probably leeched, he says, for the â€Å"evil†he did, yet since then mankind has benefited from fire, the same fate may have befallen the discoverer of the wheel. Speculation aside, he mentions some more verifiable truths such as the fact that Anesthesia which was an important discovery in medicine was initially considered sinful, he also mentions the fact that many scientists and inventors were persecuted for their knowledge which the world came to rely on. Upshot of his argument is that these men were not inspired by the desire to serve their community to do the great things they did, in-fact in most cases they were directly contravening what was expected of them. Yet by following t heir selfish egoistic individual desires and ambition, they came to benefit the society in its entirety. He claims that individualism is responsible for mankind achievement and America’s success and prosperity and greatness and that those who set out to do good for society often ended up causing blood baths. To a great extent, I agree with both arguments of both speakers, quintessentially, both paint individualism as the ideal human conditions, in Tahoohey’s he claims that subjugation of society can only be achieve if men are made to lose their individual identity and ascribe to a collective one. In essence he is saying that an oppression and individualism are mutually exclusive since for one to oppress a people, the needs must first eliminate the individual identity. This is true since even in prison, one is stripped off their name and give a number they also get uniform clothes and in some cases haircuts, this is because the best way to control people is to make them see themselves not as individuals but as members of a larger community. The second arguments paints individualism as being the stuff from which genius and creativity and innovation spawns, this is logical because in essence most people will achieve the greatest success if they are intrinsically motivated; not by the idea of monetary gain or public approval but simply because they personally desire i to do what they
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Social week 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Social week 6 - Essay Example Mortgage rates spiked up and stock prices fell when the news of tapering hit the market. The Fed though is denying such charges. It is very much unlikely that the Fed will begin its tapering anytime in the near future. But if we assume such an event occurs in the near future, it will put an end to the low interest rates in the mortgage market. The private market will then come back in and come back in strong. There is a huge gap of $85 billion a month and that has to be filled up by someone. When the news of tapering hit the market back in May, 2013, mortgage REITS which made profits by borrowing short term and lending long term mortgages, fell endangering the $ 40 billion industry (The Department of Treasury and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 2011). So if the Fed begins its tapering anytime in the near future, mortgage REITS have to raise their rates or rather will be forced to raise their rates or else their business will liquidate. The housing market will then t ake a big hit by the rise in the mortgage rates. The May, 2013 news had already made home buyers stop paying their mortgages and the home owners stopped refinancing. The housing market has clearly slowed down since May, 2013 and has showed no signs of regaining the past momentum (Wallison and Pinto, 2012). The US is the only country in the developed world to have such a troubled housing market. It is also probably the only developed country to have a major government role in housing policy. â€Å"Affordable housing†and other policies related to housing has turned the healthy US market into a financial ruin. Moreover the factors that caused the financial crisis are still in force and until those and the government’s role in housing are eliminated, it is very difficult for the US housing market to return back to normalcy (Wallison and Pinto, 2012). Housing finance is largely handled by the private sector in most
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Answer the questions of my exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Answer the questions of my exam - Assignment Example The initial step in this process is attaining of required information, which is the work of the brain acting as hardware to input data. To input data, brain ought to recognize it, which is the â€Å"perception†stage, aimed at ascertaining the type of information. Then the brain interprets data based on its intended purpose or goal before producing encoding signal meant to store information short or long-term memory. In the â€Å"Goal†compartment, information is already stored depending on its purpose whereby before proceeding to the â€Å"Intention Formation†stage to receive clear definition of purpose. Mainly, this stage is the initial step of information refining process supposed to ensure the required information goes to the effecting of the set task, which is at â€Å"Action specification†stage. â€Å"Execution†stage is merely humanity’s body that assumes all actions, which the brain has processed and formatted as required with the i ntention of fulfilling a certain purpose. B. How does the concept of "attention" limit our performance when interacting with systems? Attention based on one’s settings varies considerably either by limiting or contributing in augmenting our performances. However, in most cases especially when interacting with systems, attention proves to be a detrimental aspect that degrades the expected performance. This is because of numerous distractions an individual experiences characterizing varied settings one inhabits. Most distractions evidenced that interrupt one’s performance encompass radio’s on going conversation that prompts an individual to have a divided attention and fail in what he or she is doing. Since, while tackling a task and interacting with the system, an individual tends to focus on what the radio programme is trying to communicate to its listeners. Consequently, this reduces one’s attention making them fail to be actively involved in their prese nt task. C. Explain why we need to understand how Human information processing (HIP) works and how psychological models help us to do this? First, is to understand how human mental processes function with the intention of utilizing them effectively in attaining our intended goals. Since, one will be in a position to augment his or her performance by focusing on one aspect at a time compared to when he or she has numerous tasks and is multitasking. It also aids in shunning errors that may lead to poor performances caused by human behaviours, which when one has not studied them is extremely difficult to understand, for instance, skill-based behaviours (over habitual slips). D. Why is this theory different from earlier models/ theories that assume linear processing (e.g MHP)? What does current research say? The current method compares mental processes with that of computer, whereby in each section there are other extremely complex activities. Mainly, these activities or processes condi tion information in such a way to achieve the final intended goal. E. What cognitive strategies do we use that may enhance our performance when interaction with system? The include; Skill-based Rules-based Knowledge-based F. Illustrate the components of HIP systems and explain how they work using the Simplex One model? Information/Words- This represents materials or data which brain attains from the world. Perception- It is an initial step, whereby brain
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Current And Future Prospect Of Accor Hotels Tourism Essay
The Current And Future Prospect Of Accor Hotels Tourism Essay This proposal is to put into action and find new instructions of business by using over the last three years economic and profitable performance to characterize the answers. The suggestion seeks different essentials of business performance, such as: marketing development; Crisis management; and Functional level strategy of Accor Hotels to categorize the results. The outcome shows with the purpose of Accor Hotels are performing well in the past three years company performance. But still, there are a number of improvements are necessary in industry growth. Crisis Management needs to be compulsory that can helps the organisation to perform more effectively. Analysing the Past trends and issues that causes the crisis related to the organization and businesses are able to stop, manage, or moderate the belongings of crises in the future. Accor have opportunity to develop the business by geographical extension around the world. Market development strategy focusing in particularly at Asian and pacific region that has future development like constructing Accor brands like Suite Hotel and Motel6. That gives strength and also helps to geographical extension of the company in order to attain the customer satisfaction and brand image. Accor should have functional level strategy in human resource management that are rewarding and motivating the employees, customers and reselling by various methods like Gift vouchers, prepaid cards, rewards to enhance the relationships with the customers and employees. Contents Executive Summary: 2 1. Introduction: 4 2. Background of Accor hotels: 4 3. Future Strategy for Accor: 6 3.1 Crisis Management: 6 3.2 Market development: 8 By analyzing the (Table 3) Asian pacific region have a huge growth in Travel and Tourism between 2008- 2018. Where constructing and building of Suite hotel and Motel 6 of Accor brands in Asian and pacific region. Focusing on new customers with the same product and service but in different geographical areas is the Market development. However China and India are the emerging market building more suite hotel and motel 6 for the customers. So, Market development strategy for Accor hotels to develop the geographical extension around the globe. 10 3.3 Functional level Strategy: (Human Resource Management (HRM)) 10 4. Conclusion: 10 5. Reference 11 6. Appendix A 14 Introduction: This report is about the Strategic of Accor Hotels past, current and future prospect. Section one evaluates the background of the Accor hotels in their past three years strategies between 2007-2009.Section two, it will be the future strategies that will consider the Internal and external Issues and trends on the hotel with SWOT analysis. Finally, it concludes and summaries the whole report. Background of Accor hotels: Around the world Accor is one of the foremost hotel operator in the world (Accor, 2008a), European organizer in hotels and tourism and the global organizer in Services to business customers and communal organization, Accor works in nearly 100 nation with extra than 150,000 employees (Accor, 2008a). Past 40 years, it has offer consumers with knowledge get in its two center businesses, Hotels and Service (Accor, 2008a). Hotels: Hotels has a geographically and structurally reasonable business portfolio. Hotel action contains further than 15 corresponding product from comfort to wealth that are recognized and respected around the world for their service value (Accor, 2008a). Accor offers various luxury hotels brands like see Appendix A. Many lodging companies have developed many brands to give out multiple market segments (Jing, Dev, and Rao 2002). Service: It operates over 40 nations; Accor Services plans, expand and handle elevated value-added services for corporation (Accor, 2008a). Accor Services propose a entire choice of prepaid services in the region of worker and community benefits (Accor, 2008a). Accor hotels past and current strategies were evaluated with annual reports of the company and message given by Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Accor Hotels. In 2006, Accor hotels have increased the number of rooms and available nearly double in 2010. The expansion model of 40,000 rooms per year focuses on organization contracts and franchise Accor (2010a).Accor has preferred four drivers to distribute the 40,000 new rooms per year by Expanding in Western Europe in Eco and Budget, and by franchise it increase the market share in established markets, Strengthen the location in rising countries, Management networking to expand the upmarket and luxury Accor (2010a). Accor has changed its strategy to focus more on increasing the business through franchising and organization contracts and less on construction of new hotels (Walsh, 2003). Figure 1 Expansions and investment of Accor hotels around the globe. Source: Accor (2010a) The word strategy refers to the wide direction, or holistic point of view, taken by an organization to plan for and make safe its long period goals (Marginson, 1988). Accor introduced acquisition of Motivano software in functional level Strategy of Human resource management (HRM) in the technological developments, which enables online management of employee benefits (Accor 2008b). Rewards and motivation for the employees, Customers and reselling by various methods like Gift vouchers, prepaid cards, Rewards to enhance the relationships with the customers and employees (Accor, 2009a). Kotler (2003) says that it is significant to make an excellent link among customers; and the suppliers in order to develop the issue of consumer faithfulness. Accor have product development for their customers relationship towards the organisation by having a multi brand A| Club loyalty program across the worldwide (Accor 2008b). An expansion method Accor service makes stronger its faculty for technical m odernism with the gaining of Prepay Technologies Ltd. The achievement of Prepay Technologies makes stronger for Accor Services management and expands its collection of stuff and services in the UK (Accor, 2007b). Accor focus strategy on French Polynesia for leisure travelers. It presents visitors the possibility to treat individuals with the crucial in leisure and luxury at three of its limited resorts in French Polynesia. Accor hotels are focusing particularly on the Le Spa at Sofitel, Sofitel Bora Bora Beach Resort and Sofitel Motu Bora Bora, a private island in French Polynesia (PR Log, 2007). Divertiture Strategy says that Selling a division or part of an organization (David, 2009). During 2007 Accor sold out 30 hotel properties in the United Kingdom for à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬711 million (Accor, 2007a). Because due to economic crisis and loss (Accor, 2007b). In product development Accor service start on UUB Premium card in the United Kingdom and the Commuter Check card in the United States (Accor 2008b). That helps to hold the customers and employees within the organisation. Accor Hospitality is to promote all its brands, collectively. That has various ranges of Facilities and low prices. That i nitially target business travelers and leisure break customers (Marketing magazine, 2009). Accor Hotels had a Net Loss of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬282 million due to the economic crisis and restructure costs totalling à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬514 million (Accor, 2010). Future Strategy for Accor: 3.1 Crisis Management: A crisis is the perception of an unpredictable event that threatens important expectancies of stake holders and can seriously impact on organizations performance and generate negative outcomes Coombs (2007: 2-3). Meyers (1986) categorized disaster into main belongings on community perceptions, product failures, sudden changes in the marketplace and changes in top administration. Meyers as well argue that crises can be caused by troubles with financing, business relations, take-overs, global events and changes in rules and policy. For example, following the 9/11 attacks, most of the political and media debate on terrorism has decided on avoidance policies (Kahn and Weiner, 2002). Economic impact of 9/11 is sensibly incalculable; though the global travel and tourism council has approximate reduce of the travel and tourism demand worldwide to be 10%. This compare to the jobs loss of 8.8 million people worldwide including airlines, hotels and tour operators, generate a 1.7% decline of wh ole GDP for the global wealth. They were two different viewpoints about concerning crisis management. One group of Researchers (e.g., Perrow 1984; Gephart 1984) argued that crises are repeated and not avoidable; whereas others (e.g., Mitroff, Pearson, and Harrigan 1996; Roberts 1990) contended that in attendance are conduct through which association can stop, run, or moderate the belongings of crises. Accor, which function the Sofitel, Ibis and Novotel brands in the UK, said it will cut 10% of its staff at its French head offices as it seem to make a 15% decrease in maintain costs due to the crash of the unprecedented worldwide crisis (Sharkey,2009). But Parsons (1996) put forward three categories of crises: 1. Immediate crises: Everywhere small or negative caution survives hence organizations are not capable to examine the crisis or arrange a preparation ahead of the problem or disaster strikes. 2. Emerging crises: These crises are identified and possibly it can be blocked or restricted through business act. 3. Sustained crises: This possibly will carry on for weeks, months or still for longer duration. The Bali terror operations in 2002 probably lost Indonesia half a million Visitors and $4.0 billion in revenue. And also in Jakarta hotels bombed in 17 July 2009 (Telegraph, 2009). Hotels in Indonesia have been bombed which leads to afraid tourists will go to some other nation now, and hotels will have to expend a buttload more money on security to try to calm those panicky travellers down (Telegraph, 2009). In Mumbai, terrorist attacks train situation, a hospital, a cafà © and two hotels locations used by foreigners as well as local businessmen and leaders (BBC News 2008). It results in Negative travel advisories on India around various countries. According to the Federation of Hotels and Restaurant Association of India Booking by overseas travellers mainly from U.S and Europe comes down by 40% to 60% (Singh, 2008). According to Kash and Darling (1998) crisis prevention and planning can be managed by the following tools, strategic forecasting, contingency planning, issues analysis, scenario analysis. This prevention and planning are helpful to manage the crisis that affects the organization. According to Mitroff crisis can be prevented, manage, or moderate t he effects of crises in the organization will helpful for the future crisis to be prevented. Accor should provided security to their visitors is unavailable very seriously, Sofitel Brussels Europe is endowed with a video recorder observation system communicate by 60 cameras and magnetic keys guarantee secure access to the hotel floors (Accor, 2010c). The Crisis Management Strategy is useful for the organisation of Accor in the future to overcome the economic crisis and threats of the organisation. 3.2 Market development: Suggestion with the intention creates a character designed for an intangible body, products tell to customers feeling (Kim and Kim 2004). According to David, 2009 focusing on new customers with the same product and service but in different geographical areas. Brand justice besides let a group to enlarge and increase the product in a range of marketplace (Maharajan, Rao, and Srivastava, 1994). A hotel brand initially creates an importance for visitors by serving to declare them of a identical stage of excellence (O Neil and xiamo 2006). The table1 shows Accor hotel brands geographic presence in the world, that there is a huge opportunities for start business in emerging market like Asia and Pacific regions. Because they have Table 1 Accor hotel brands geographic presence in the world BRAND EUROPE MIDDLE EAST AFRICA ASIA PACIFIC NORTH AMERICA LATIN AMERICA TOTAL Total 2,310 143 402 1,076 174 4,111 Sofitel 34 24 45 9 9 121 Pullman 25 5 15 _ 1 46 Novotel 264 20 85 7 19 395 Mercure/MGallery 483 30 105 _ 81 699 Suite hotel 24 2 _ _ _ 26 all seasons 42 _ 33 _ _ 75 Ibis 691 31 80 _ 59 861 Motel 6 _ _ _ 1001 _ 1,001 Unbranded hotels 22 7 15 0 1 45 Source: Adapted from Accor (2010a) Construction of Suite hotel and Motel 6 in Asia Pacific region, that has largest volume of Travel Tourism Demand in the future prospective and increase the market place and exceeding the geographical perspectives around the globe. World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) says that, Table2. China has climbed two places by beating Japan and Germany and it occupied the second position. Travel Tourism service is lead by China (WTTC, 2008). Table3: Over the next one decade, the image will change to some extent as emerging tourism markets start to gather greater benefits from their investment in Travel Tourism development. whereas the USA, China, Japan and Germany will keep their current top four slots in terms of total Travel Tourism Demand (in absolute terms), India will be the worlds number one in terms of yearly growth in Travel Tourism require between 2008 and 2018, averaging 9.4% per annum ahead of China, Libya, Vietnam and Montenegro (WTTC, 2008). Table 2 Countries expected to generate the largest volume of Travel Tourism Demand (TTD) in 2008 TTD, S.No Countries (US$ bn) 1 USA 1,747.5 2 China 592.0 3 Japan 514.3 4 Germany 505.7 5 France 418.8 6 UK 403.7 7 Spain 338.2 8 Italy 302.9 9 Canada 231.4 10 Mexico 157.6 Source: WTTC, 2008. Table 3 Expected countries growth in Travel Tourism Demand between 2008 and 2018: S.No Countries 2008-18 (% annualised real growth) 1 India 9.4 2 China 8.9 3 Libya 8.1 4 Vietnam 8.1 5 Montenegro 7.4 6 Romania 7.1 7 Macau 7.1 8 Namibia 6.9 Source: WTTC, 2008. By analyzing the (Table 3) Asian pacific region have a huge growth in Travel and Tourism between 2008- 2018. Where constructing and building of Suite hotel and Motel 6 of Accor brands in Asian and pacific region. Focusing on new customers with the same product and service but in different geographical areas is the Market development. However China and India are the emerging market building more suite hotel and motel 6 for the customers. So, Market development strategy for Accor hotels to develop the geographical extension around the globe. 3.3 Functional level Strategy: (Human Resource Management (HRM)) Hotels are the most important components in tourism business and Human resource issues exist dangerous to examine value, and revolve the answer to global competitive (Jones and Haven- Tang, 2005). The significance of trouble describing to skills deficiency for the hospitality sector is clearly shown by (Zhang and Wu, 2004:425). Zhang and Wu observed that in China the qualified candidate have to be promoted by the hotelier to handle the decision-making or administrative tasks. So by rewarding and motivating to the employees, customers and reselling by various methods like Gift vouchers, prepaid cards, rewards to enhance the relationships with the customers and employees. Conclusion: The evaluation of past three years annual report, environmental opportunities and threads is set up much helpful information about the conditions of Accor Hotels located in all over the world. However, it is essential for the organization to think again to put into practice the necessary strategic performance for the future business development. The Current trends and issues faced by the Tourism and Hospitality organisation in Crisis thats hits both the economic and the Organization background. So Accor hotels should have the Crisis Management strategy to overcome the threats like terrorism and issues like recession that they have currently facing. And Accor have an opportunity to expand their geographic existence in the Asian pacific region by focusing on the new segmented customers. Accor are increasing the rooms per year for the customer to retain with their strong portfolio in nature. Accor have weakness in man power shortage that can be solved by the future Functional level stra tegy that is managed by Human Resource Management. Rewarding and motivating of staffs in the organisation.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
coping with death :: essays research papers
Coping with Death People cope with the loss of a loved one in many ways. For some, the experience may lead to personal growth, even though it is a difficult and trying time. There is no right way of coping with death. The way a person grieves depends on the personality of that person and the relationship with the person who has died. How a person copes with grief is affected by the person's cultural and religious background, coping skills, mental history, support systems, and the person's social and financial status. The definition of coping is described in the text as the â€Å"constantly changing (dynamic) cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage internal and/or external demands exceeding the resources of the person. This emphasizes that coping behaviors go beyond routine, adaptive behaviors.      In 1990, my aunt Ann started experiencing heart-problems. My family was very close to Ann because she lived only a block away. Aunt Ann would walk over to our house everyday for a visit. During this particular summer, Ann noticed that she was becoming increasingly out of breath from just the short walk. The entire family strongly urged that she see a doctor as soon as possible.      After her doctor’s visit that she reluctantly went to, she announced to the family that she was suffering from a damaged heart valve. We were all terrified about what would happen to her, but she assured us that the doctor said it could be fixed with a minimal risk.      When she went into surgery in St. John’s Medical Center in St. Louis, we were all there and confidant that everything would go as planned. The doctors came out about one hour into the surgery to inform us that the damage was much worse than they initially thought. They told us that they would keep us updated on her progress. Two hours later they came out to tell us that her heart stopped beating and they tried everything they could to revive her, but she had died.      Through the next couple of days our family went through some of the coping stages. We experienced anger because we did not know the severity of the damage, we were depressed and then we had to come to accept God’s will. Ann was a devout Christian and we found comfort of knowing where she was going to.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Comparative Formal Analysis of Artworks
The rise of civilization follows hen humankind decided to build for themselves a more stable and promising life. Culture shifts then occurred between the Paleolithic and Sumerian periods due to the civilization of Mesopotamia, and humankind developed a polytheistic culture In which rituals and worshipping came Into play. Statuettes of Worshippers (ca. 2700 BCC. ) from the Square Temple at Susquehanna, Iraq, were one of the representations of the Sumerian culture. The emphasis on different body parts of the sculptures signifies a shift in culture due to the rise of civilization.Life during the Paleolithic period was plain tit meager cultural resources. Venus of Wildflower is a tiny three-dimensional female figure, approximately 4 1/4†³ high, created with simple sculpting tools, probably something similar to a chisel, and a piece of Limestone. The sculpture displays a woman with her pair of thin forearms resting on her breasts and a huge belly hanging above her pubic triangle. The roundness of her body parts dominates the whole sculpture.The tools and media available at that time period set a limit on the techniques of creation, leading to the rugged coarseness of this sculpture. In imprison with a normal human figure, Venus of Hellbender Is exaggerating out of proportions, which seems to misrepresent women from the Paleolithic period. The title of this sculpture, Venus, may be an attempt to explain the distortion and the nakedness of her body. Venus, who is the goddess of beauty and love according to the Roman mythology, might be depicted as the goddess of fertility during the Paleolithic period.The figure, lacking facial features which may be covered by the braided hair, leads the audiences' focuses to her enormous body parts, especially ere breasts and belly. Her belly bulging out may suggest pregnancy while the conspicuous outline of her pubic triangle may represent fertility. From another point of view, Venus of Wildflower, with the fullness of her body , may also be a symbolization of desire for abundance. The Intention of this relatively small sculpture might have been some kind of amulet men carried around or maybe It even acted as a motivation for men hunter to hunt for abundant amount of food.In this sculpture, the emphasis of women's delectate body parts Implies that mankind in the Paleolithic period tends to create what they desire, in the case of The way of living, as well as the culture, changed with the rise of civilization in Mesopotamia. No longer did people in Sumerian period live a hunter's live; instead, they worked to create a more stable life by farming and herding, which was an evidence of civilization. Significant inventions during the Sumerian period equipped people with improved tools and media to create sculptures with better techniques.Apparently, the Statuettes of two worshippers have a smoother surface and texture comparing to Venus of Wildflower. The material of the statuettes was soft gypsum inlaid with s hell and black limestone while Venus of Wildflower was created with limestone only. Clothing and facial features were carved onto the statuettes of the two worshippers unlike the sculpture of Venus of Wildflower. The men wear a fringe skirt with a belt while the women wear a long robe. And instead of enormous breasts and belly, these statuettes have in common outstanding, round eyes.This reveals a cultural meaning of the Sumerian period that gender is differentiated not by sexual body features, but by appearance and clothing. Comparing to that of the Venus of Wildflower, the statuettes have a more normal proportion, despite the size of their eyes and hands. Although these statuettes of worshippers were manufactured in a wide range of sizes, they all have a common body gesture: having a neutral facial expression and standing upright with their small hands together placed in front of their chests.The position of the hands, along with their head slightly tilted upwards, may suggest tha t they are praying or begging for something from deities or any other gods and goddesses they believe in. Also, the small hands of the statuettes may imply that they have a limited ability and their huge, pitiful eyes seem to represent a desire for something in return; for instance, help from the deities to cure a disease.These statuettes of worshippers were found in homes as votive figures probably because common people were not allowed to visit the Gujarat in that time period. Not only do these statuettes signifies a civilization, they also mark the shift of culture and the development of religions and beliefs. The similarities and differences of Venus of Wildflower and the Statuettes of two reshipped from two different historical time periods display a major change in the culture along with the way of living among a group of people in a society.Moreover, the emphasis on certain body parts can be viewed as the main symbolization of the individual sculpture. In this comparison, the breasts, belly and pubic area of Venus of Wildflower represent fertility and abundance while the eyes and hand gesture of the Statuettes of two worshippers symbolize belief and desire for help. In general, different artworks created in different historical time periods usually reveal a major revolution or a shift in culture.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Tanzania
Tanzania Culture Tanzania is home to over 120 culturally diverse tribes but shares a common official language of Swahili. Apart from this linguistic bond, each tribe is unique. Their manners of worship, local government, and rituals - even their systems of trade and wealth - vary greatly from tribe to tribe. One of Tanzania’s major tribes, the Masai, dominates the northern portion of Tanzania. Residing in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, tribe members constantly seek new grazing areas for their cattle. Cattle are of great importance to the Masai, providing not only a source of food, but also serving as a symbol of wealth and prestige for their owners. The Masai wear a single toga-like piece of clothing, usually a bright red or blue color, and cover their bodies in ochre. Geography and Climate â€Å"In the midst of a great wilderness, full of wild beasts†¦I fancied I saw a summit†¦covered with a dazzlingly white cloud (qtd. in Cole 56). This is how Johann Krapf, the first outsider to witness the splendor of Africa’s highest mountain, described Kilimanjaro. The peak was real, though the white clouds he â€Å"fancied†he saw were the dense layer of snow that coats the mountain. Tanzania is primarily a plateau that slopes gently downward into the country’s five hundred miles of Indian Ocean coastline. Nearly three-quarters of Tanzania is dry savannah, so much so that the Swahili word for the central plateau is nyika, meaning â€Å"wasteland.†Winding through these flatlands is the Great Rift Valley, which forms narrow and shallow lakes in its long path. Several of these great lakes form a belt-like oasis of green vegetation. Contrasting with the severity of the plains are the coastal areas, which are lush with ample rainfall. In the north the plateau slopes dramatically into Mt. Kilimanjaro. Ngorongoro Conservation Area Some of Tanzania’s most distinguishing geographical features are found in the Ngorongoro Conse... Free Essays on Tanzania Free Essays on Tanzania Tanzania Culture Tanzania is home to over 120 culturally diverse tribes but shares a common official language of Swahili. Apart from this linguistic bond, each tribe is unique. Their manners of worship, local government, and rituals - even their systems of trade and wealth - vary greatly from tribe to tribe. One of Tanzania’s major tribes, the Masai, dominates the northern portion of Tanzania. Residing in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, tribe members constantly seek new grazing areas for their cattle. Cattle are of great importance to the Masai, providing not only a source of food, but also serving as a symbol of wealth and prestige for their owners. The Masai wear a single toga-like piece of clothing, usually a bright red or blue color, and cover their bodies in ochre. Geography and Climate â€Å"In the midst of a great wilderness, full of wild beasts†¦I fancied I saw a summit†¦covered with a dazzlingly white cloud (qtd. in Cole 56). This is how Johann Krapf, the first outsider to witness the splendor of Africa’s highest mountain, described Kilimanjaro. The peak was real, though the white clouds he â€Å"fancied†he saw were the dense layer of snow that coats the mountain. Tanzania is primarily a plateau that slopes gently downward into the country’s five hundred miles of Indian Ocean coastline. Nearly three-quarters of Tanzania is dry savannah, so much so that the Swahili word for the central plateau is nyika, meaning â€Å"wasteland.†Winding through these flatlands is the Great Rift Valley, which forms narrow and shallow lakes in its long path. Several of these great lakes form a belt-like oasis of green vegetation. Contrasting with the severity of the plains are the coastal areas, which are lush with ample rainfall. In the north the plateau slopes dramatically into Mt. Kilimanjaro. Ngorongoro Conservation Area Some of Tanzania’s most distinguishing geographical features are found in the Ngorongoro Conse...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Come to Pass
Come to Pass Come to Pass Come to Pass By Maeve Maddox A common English idiom is â€Å"come to pass†: to come to pass: to happen, take place in the course of events, come about, occur, be fulfilled. Here are some correct uses of the expression: all things, good and bad, come to pass. It shall come to pass. Don’t give up on your God-given dreams. it seems slow, do not despair, for these things will surely come to pass. Lately, I’ve noticed an odd distortion of this idiom into â€Å"goes to pass†: Love remember who comes 1st in your life, everything goes to pass, but Gods spirit will always surround usAmen! Most of the time, the first thought that comes is of that everything goes to pass, if everything goes to pass, we will eventually be merging with 3SA. I have done as much as I can to make sure people dont get evicted from our ceremony venue, and that everything goes to pass without riots. These examples come from forums, inspirational blogs, and blog commentscontexts in which nonstandard English is well-represented. However, I found an example of a similar distortion on a page that has the Quaker Oats logo at the top. This one uses â€Å"goes to pass†as if it meant simply â€Å"pass,†or â€Å"come to an end.†The writer may have been thinking of the expression, â€Å"fads/fashions come and go†: Like most people Im sure youve struggled with maintaining your weight and eventually the latest craze and health trend goes to pass without much success. ESL learners need to be aware that â€Å"goes to pass†in any contextis not standard English. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Types of Narrative ConflictWhat is Dative Case?Words Often Misspelled Because of Double Letters
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
Economics - Essay Example For example: a company that has an ice cream machine that usually produces 40 boxes of 1 pint of ice cream a day was able to produce as much as 80 boxes of 1 pint of ice cream a day by cutting on ‘down-time’ due to machine breakdown caused by lack of machine maintenance. It could also refer to the application of a special device in a machine in order to enhance its speed and therefore increase the volume of production. Another way is to maximize the use of manpower by establishing a short and clear chain of command within the business organization. Therefore, it is possible to avoid the incidence of employing too much unnecessary employee in the crowd. In order to achieve economies of scale, a good management is essential. Basically, it is the managers and supervisors who suggests and/or make critical decisions in order to maximize the daily fixed costs (such as labour costs and over-time pay and electricity costs) of the company. These are also the same group of people who are responsible in cutting down the number of ‘rejections’ in a production line. Minimizing the number of ‘rejections’ can indirectly increase the company’s profitability by ‘cutting down the unnecessary opportunity losses’ and ‘prevent avoidable expenses’ on the part of the company. Q.2 Explain how changes in the equilibrium price and quantity are influenced by the elasticity of demand and supply. Explain the difference between a shortage and a surplus and discuss why either might occur. Basically, the market equilibrium price and quantity is the point where the quantity supplied is equal to the quantity demanded. The said equilibrium point changes when there is an imbalance between the demand and supply. For example: if the demand for a certain goods is above the supply, the price of goods will automatically go up to a certain point where a new equilibrium point will be created. Likewise, if the supply
Friday, November 1, 2019
Differentiating Instruction and Why It Is Important- Bring it all Essay
Differentiating Instruction and Why It Is Important- Bring it all Together w8 - Essay Example Furthermore, one can also ask the help of the other faculty members in the department who may be knowledgeable of the profile of the students that one will have. Aside from talking with their previous teacher, one can administer a diagnostic pre-test during the start of the class (Carnegie Mellon, n.d.). This activity will be very useful in assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the students. Another activity that can be done is to ask the students to make a concept map about a major topic in the course one is teaching (Carnegie Mellon, n.d.). This can provide one with a clear sense of the extent of understanding of the students on the issues that will be discussed. It will help one point out the students’ false impressions and wrong beliefs. One of the challenges posed by the teaching profession is to be able to assess a student’s background knowledge. To be an effective teacher, one must find ways of determining where the students stand at the start of the class. It is only then that one can design a course which will be useful and appreciated by one’s
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Auditing - Understanding and Assessing Internal Control Essay
Auditing - Understanding and Assessing Internal Control - Essay Example 3. There is a risk of window dressing from store managers in order to achieve higher bonuses. They may use techniques to alter the figurers of the inventory as to avail the bonus for example by not recording the last day inventory as to show a better inventory management which will ultimately result in understatement of inventory and payable balances. 4. The risk in this case is that, the remaining staff may not possess the same level of skills. They may be unable provide with the quality of service required to detect, prevent and correct the misstatements. Fewer numbers of people in the internal audit department will also put extra burden of responsibility on the remaining staff so, the level of care could also be compromised resulting in non-detection of misstatements. 5. The risk in this case is that the quarterly financial statements are not presented to the bank as required and it withdraws the credit facility. If this happens, there is a danger that the Homepro would have liquidity problems, which may prevent the company to carry business and revenue is lost. There are also chances of window dressing. 6. Increased use of online shopping is a threat to the Homepro, since it may have serious effects on revenue (AUASB, 2009). There is a possibility that the opening of the online store would be delayed and the revenue would be lost. There is a threat of revenue being overstated to present a better picture for example, by recording revenue receipts, which pertain to next year. 7. The increased competition would force price cuts, which would ultimately result in decreased revenue and decreased profits. There are chances of revenue being overstated, or non-recording or delay in recording of expenses to show better profit figure for example by not recording year end expenses to show lower cost of sales. 8. Although the staff has been trained properly to handle the changes in the information system due to up gradation but still there are
Monday, October 28, 2019
Cari’s Story Essay Example for Free
Cari’s Story Essay How could an infection in Cari’s nasal passages and pharynx spread into her sinuses? An infection will spread because the pharynx, larynx and sinuses are all connected, so the infection is going to spread to the sinuses and the surrounding areas. What is the cough reflex? Describe the process that Cari’s respiratory system is using to clear her lungs by coughing? The cough reflex is a deep and long inhalation that is followed by the closing the glottis, this causes a strong exhalation that will push the glottis open and sends the air through the respiratory passage. The coughing occurs when a foreign body is in the larynx, trachea or the epiglottis. Cari is coughing because the mucous and fluid buildup in her lungs and her body is to get rid of it. Which structures found in the terminal bronchioles and alveoli normally would protect Cari’s lungs from infectious pathogens and particulate matter? The alveolar macrophage protects her lungs because they wonder around the alveoli space and it collects dust, particles and debris. Cari does smoke and it has caused the cilia in her respiratory passage way to become paralyzed and then it secretes the excess amounts of mucus. The macrophages are sent to the lungs and it gets stuck in the mucus and it can’t fight off the pathogens. How would the resistance of Cari’s airways be affected by excess mucus and fluid in her lung? Cari isn’t getting adequate oxygen because the pressure of fluid and the mucus buildup in her lungs. This is not allowing her lungs to expand so she can get the breath her body needs. The fluid buildup and the pressure are not allowing her oxygen to disperse to the areas it needs. How would Cari’s lung compliance (the effort required to expand the lungs) be altered as her alveoli fill with fluid due to pneumonia? The fluid in her lungs makes it hard to expand because the fluid makes the alveoli sticky and it can’t expand and open. How would fluid in Cari’s lungs affect her total lung capacity? Cari’s lung capacity would go down due to the fact that the air space is being taken up by the fluid in her lungs. How does the elevation of Cari’s respiratory rate alter her minute ventilation? Cari’s respiratory rate will increase her minute ven tilation. Normal blood oxygen saturation levels are greater than 94 percent; Cari’s blood oxygen saturation levels are greater 90 percent at the time of her exam and an initial arterial blood gas analysis done when she was admitted to the hospital revealed her arterial Po2 was 54mmHg. How do these clinical findings relate to the internal respiration in Cari’s body? Cari’s oxygen saturation level was 90% and the Po2 of mmHg would show that her arteries are having too much oxygen. A normal resting mmHg is 40% and exercises lower Po2level. A normal resting oxygen level is 94%. Which of the symptoms Cari has described are due to the lack of oxygen and reduced oxygen exchange at her tissues? Cari said she is â€Å"panting like a dog†is due from the lack of oxygen and t reduces her oxygen exchange. As Cari’s Pco2 rose, how was the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin affected? The oxygen carrying of hemoglobin volume with the rise of Pco2 will decrease since the Co2 will take O2’s seat. How would you have expected Cari’s decreased Pco2 and alkaline blood pH to have affected her breathing? Cari’s pH and Pco2 will decrease and her rate of breathing will also be decreasing. How would administration of oxygen enhance Cari’s central drive to breathe? Cari would be able to breathe better when oxygen was administered to her. Which anatomical structures in Cari’s respiratory system were initially involved? The structures involved are the trachea, nasal, pharynx, and larynx, and the lungs. Why was Cari plagued with a chronic smoker’s cough? Cari is plagued with a chronic smoker’s cough because she has a 20 year history of smoking. Which damaging effects of tobacco smoke led to Cari’s impaired respiratory defense mechanisms? There are damages to the epithelial with those damages comes the body’s repair process. How did the pneumonia affect Cari’s lung function? Cari’s was having problems getting adequate oxygen, because of the fluid in her lungs. The pneumonia is an infection from bacteria that can affect the body, because of her smoking it made it hard for her lungs to get air.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
La Vitesse, Une Erreur? :: essays research papers
 «La principale erreur de notre temps est de chercher en toute chose la vitesse.  » Expliquez voire discuter cette idà ©e en vous servant d’exemples prà ©cis. Nous sommes au sià ¨cle de la vitesse, le monde grouille, fourmille, s’agite pour concurrencer, moderniser, produire†¦Nous sommes entraà ®nà ©s dans une spirale qui s’accà ©là ¨re sans cesse. En essayant d’aller toujours plus vite, de gagner toujours plus de temps, ne faisons-nous pas le contraire, ne perdons-nous pas l’essentiel de la vie en essayant d’aller toujours plus vite? Tout d’abord examinons la vitesse dans les transports, celle qui tue plusieurs millions de personnes par an. Cette vitesse est nà ©faste tout d’abord car elle cause plus de 50% des accidents meurtriers. De plus le temps gagnà © sur les routes est surà ©valuà ©( de l’ordre de 6 min quand on roule en continu à 150 km/h au lieu de 130km/h pendant 100 kilomà ¨tres), enfin la tension et la fatigue accumulà ©es ne valent pas les quelques minutes à ©pargnà ©es. Cette course à la vitesse a pu grà ¢ce à la technologie moderne profiter de moyens encore plus rapides et encore plus inhumains tel que le mà ©tro. Les gens qui prennent le mà ©tro pensent gagner du temps mais en rà ©alità © ils en perdent, car au lieu de prendre leur temps pour avoir un trajet plaisant, passer à pied dans des endroits qui leur sont agrà ©ables, seul pour se relaxer ou à plusieurs, d’une faà §on conviviale. Le temps du trajet mà ªme s’il est plus long ne serait pas perdu à attendre, à ªtre bousculer ou s’à ©nerver. Cette phobie de la perte du temps, est d’autant mieux illustrà © par le succà ¨s des  «fast foods », ce terme dà ©signe un mode de restauration rapide oà ¹ les aliments sont prà ©parà ©s et servis dans un minimum de temps grà ¢ce à des techniques et des opà ©rations planifià ©es. L’exemple le plus connu de ces restaurants rapides est le  «Mac Donald », importà © des à ©tats unis, on y mange vite et pour un prix trà ¨s bas. Mais ce type de restaurants favorisent la vitesse au dà ©triment du goà »t et de la qualità ©. De la mà ªme manià ¨re les individus qui vont manger dans ces restaurants perdent le meilleur du repas, au lieu de vivre celui-ci comme un temps de pause dans une journà ©e effrà ©nà ©e, le vivent encore comme un stress au milieu des bousculades, s’en prendre le temps de goà »ter aux bonnes choses que la vie nous offre mais qu’il faut prendre le temps de savourer. Cette obsession de vitesse se traduit aussi par un besoin de changer sans cesse: on change de voitures, de và ªtements, de loisirs, de milieu†¦Cette soif de nouveautà © jamais tarie.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Juicy essay Essay
In the song â€Å"Juicy†, by Notorious BIG, also known as Biggie Smalls, there is a main theme of rising from poverty and entering into wealth. Wealth in this sense not only means material things, but it also makes reference to intangibles such as stability for himself and his mother. He begins by noting material things including: â€Å"condos in Queens,†â€Å"putting 5 Karats in my baby girls ear,†â€Å"lunches, brunches, interviews by the pool,†â€Å"50 inch screens, money green leather sofa, two cars a limousine with a chauffeur.†These material things highlight significance in his life because in comparison to his childhood, they are infinitely superior. His childhood consisted of â€Å"eatin sardines for dinner,†being â€Å"considered a common thief,†â€Å"dropping out of high school,†and living in public housing. Furthermore, Biggie’s life was immensely changed in a different aspect. Along with his economic wealth, he gained stability for himself and his mother and made her proud of him. He states, â€Å"My mother loves to show me off, of course, smiles every time my face is up in The Source.†Biggie also states that he celebrated every day because of his hard work and determination he was able to create a better opportunities for himself and his family. In the song â€Å"Juicy†there is a reoccurring theme of rising from the rags to the riches and never giving up on a dream that you set out to accomplish. Notorious BIG reflects on his life while growing up and always being told, â€Å"you’ll never make it.†In the song he says, â€Å"Considered a fool because I dropped out of high school, stereotypes of a black male misunderstood, and its all good.†He dropped out of school so that he could continue to make music and pursue a career. While growing up in poverty, Biggie was often faced with the option to sell drugs or stay in school. When he dropped out of school at the age of 17, he became a drug dealer so he could make some money with the ultimate goal of becoming a rapper. In the song he says, â€Å"to all the people that lived above the buildings that I was hustlin’ in front of that called the police on me when I was just tryin’ to make some money to feed my daughters, and all the niggaz in the struggle, you know what I’m sayin?†When he was growing up there were things he had to do to get by, there were things that he had to do that weren’t always legal, but he did what he needed to provide for his family. Another important part of the song was when said, â€Å"I let my tape rock ‘till my tape popped†. He didn’t give up on his dream of becoming a rapper. No matter how many people told him he couldn’t do it, or he wouldn’t last, he never gave up and he continued to give out his tapes. Biggie’s â€Å"tape popped†when his song was number one on Billboard Magazine. This led him to being signed by Bad Boy Records, which was owned by fellow East Coast Rapper, Sean â€Å"Diddy†Combs. After becoming rich and making it in the rap game, Biggie became a different person. He didn’t know what to do with the wealth he had and flaunted it in the wrong ways. In the song he says, â€Å"Girls used to diss me, now they writing letters because they miss me.†When he said that they used to diss him, he was referring to how people that were close to him changed because they wanted to take advantage of him, and people that weren’t close to him wanted to be friends and benefit from the wealth he had. In this part of the song he was referring to how wealth can corrupt people. He remained unfazed, kept his circle small, and still pursued his dream of becoming a famous rapper. An excerpt from the song, after Notorious became popular, â€Å"Living life without fear, putting 5 karats in my baby girl’s ear, lunches, brunches, interviews by the pool†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This was an important transformation in his life because he went from a gangster on the streets and slinging drugs, to a rich rap star. Another quote from the song was, â€Å"Phone bill about 2 G’s flat, no need to worry my accountant handles that.†With all the wealth that he accumulated, he was carefree living. He went from struggling to put food on the table for his family to letting businessmen handle all his financial decisions. He had seen the way that wealth could change people. Also in the song he mentioned, â€Å"50 inch screen, money green leather sofa, got two rides, a limousine with a chauffer.†The way that Biggie spent his money was typical to any other person that made it from rags to riches. He went from wondering if he would have a meal to eat, to spending money on lavish things. The end of Biggie’s career came on March 3, 1997 when he was shot several times outside of an album release party in Los Angeles. He came out to a shoot music video for the song â€Å"Hypnotize†off his album â€Å"Ready To Die†. With the past beef that he had with west coast rappers, the trip out to California wasn’t encouraged. He died six days later in the hospital. Through out Biggie’s life, there were a couple strong characteristics that he left behind. He left behind a strong work ethic with an attitude that nobody could out work him. When he died, it was a tough loss in the rap world because he had been very influential amongst rappers that had come from tough childhoods and lived in tough areas. He was a perfect example of emerging from a life of poverty and becoming successful and extremely wealthy. â€Å"The Notorious B.I.G. à ¢Ã¯â€šâ‚¬ Juicy Lyrics.†Rap Genius. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2012. â€Å"The Notorious B.I.G.†Billboard. Rovi Corporation, 9 Mar. 2010. Web. 18 Sept. 2012. . Duke, Alan. â€Å"FBI Reveals Documents in Biggie Smalls Death Probe.†CNN. CNN, 08 Apr. 2011. Web. 18 Sept. 2012. .
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Mary Barton
Elizabeth Gaskell’s â€Å"Mary Barton†is a novel of social reform that explores injustice, abuse and inequality. The novel is especially concerned with the societal condition of England at the time. In her â€Å"Preface†Mrs. Gaskell asserted, â€Å"I know nothing of Political Economy, or the theories of the trade. I have tried to write truthfully†. The â€Å"truth†of â€Å"Mary Barton†is not political or economic but the truth of the human heart. The novel is not about industrial conditions but about people living in those conditions. Mrs. Gaskell’s social aim in writing is to inform rather than to reform. Her aim in writing is to give â€Å"utterance to the agony†and to explicate the consequences of â€Å"the seeming injustice of the inequalities of fortune†. In â€Å"Mary Barton†, the protagonist John Barton asks with bitter vehemence about the injustice of the massive gulf between the upper and lower classes: â€Å"Why are they so separate, so distinct, when God has made them all? [†¦ ] We are their slaves as long as we can work; we pile up fortunes with the sweat of our brows; and yet we are to live as separate as Dives and Lazarus, with a great gulf betwixt us†. John Barton is ultimately driven to the act of murder by his outrage at the gulf fixed between the rich and the poor. John Barton is ultimately a victim of society and an example of how a man full of human kindness is hardened into hatred and violence. As the author tells the reader his wife’s death meant that â€Å"one of the ties which bound him down to the gentle humanities of earth was loosened†. The string of events that followed – the strike, the Davenports’ starvation and fever, the employees’ arrogant isolation and the failure of the petition, seem to purposely show that the world reckons the poor folk no account. And as John Barton lies on his deathbed his enemy Mr. Carson sits in his library quite unable to hate his son’s murderer. At the end Mr. Carson forgives John Barton and the murderer dies in the arms of the man whose son he has murdered and this image explicates the novel’s pivotal theme in the hope of human heartedness. In her novel Mrs. Gaskell presents men and women at the extreme of suffering at which point only the most radical of human actions remain be they despair and hatred or alternatively human compassion and forgiveness.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Traits of a great admin assistant gatekeeper
Traits of a great admin assistant gatekeeper So you’re an admin or executive assistant and you want to be a great one. However, if you’re not a ninja-level gatekeeper, you’ll never hit your goal. Great gatekeepers are experts at managing flow. They are more about filtering out the noise than blocking people, and they do it all to ensure their bosses receive all necessary information and communication while still having plenty of time to accomplish their workloads.To be the best gatekeeper you can be, make sure you’re doing the following key things.You look and act the part.To be a real rockstar gatekeeper, you have to first be a rockstar assistant. You must do all parts of your job competently, calmly, and efficiently. You must be an A+ communicator both verbally and over email. Be pleasant but firm. Dress the part. Command authority without going on a power trip. You have to be able to seamlessly manage your and your boss’s time by dealing with distractions. Being the best involves knowing yo ur job, your boss’ job, and your industry inside and out.You demand respect.It’s probably a given that your boss is expected to receive a certain degree of respect, but you have some coming to you as well. If anyone isn’t properly respectful of both your boss’ time and your time, then it’s appropriate for you to deny him or her access until you both start receiving the consideration you both deserve. If people are rude and dismissive of you and your position, any good boss would be fine with you denying them access- especially if they want a favor.You read minds.Reading minds may seem like a magic trick, but it’s actually an achievable skill when it comes to gatekeeping. It basically involves figuring out what anyone trying to schedule a phone call or meeting with your boss is after. What is their motive? What do they need to discuss? Is it something that really requires a meeting or your boss’s time? If not, and you can get them what they want or need through other channels, it will limit the strain on your boss’s brain and schedule. The more time you put into your job, the better you will get at sniffing out what people really want when they ask for a few minutes of your bosss time. One you recognize patterns, you can ask directly: Is what you really want time sensitive? Tell me why, but if not, then I will have to schedule you when my boss is not in a crunch time.You use discretion.According to a survey performed by Staples, administrative assistants are the most trusted members of any office. Always remain among the trustworthy by keeping your head high while wading through office politics without getting bogged down by gossip or distractions. Be comfortable and clear when handling confidential information. Be reliable. Be a vault. Cultivate and exercise unimpeachable good judgment.You establish a system with your boss.You and your boss need to function like a dynamic duo to make both of your work liv es run smoother. Perhaps you two can develop a secret signal she can give you when someone is monopolizing her time. Or maybe you can color-code your online calendar: red meetings are crucial and yellow meetings arent time-sensitive and can be rescheduled as needed. Work together so you can become her ideal gatekeeper: keeping out the unnecessary and letting in the crucial.
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